Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale
International Union of Radio Science
Kleinheubacher Tagung 2024
U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in Deutschland e.V.
Miltenberg | 24.–26.09.2024


Regular contributions (Oral)

Authors are asked to submit regular contributions by 7 July 2024 via https://kh2024.edas.info/ stating: title, author(s), abstract (in English or German; text only; no more than 500 words; no figures, equations, etc.) and the Commission related to the topic of the contribution. Acceptance notification will be sent by 28 July 2024.

Prospectively, this year, again, in addition to the regular contribution authors may submit a conference paper (2–4 pages, IEEE conference proceedings style) via https://kh2024.edas.info/ latest by 6 October 2024. After the usual peer review, this paper will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library shortly after the conference, provided that the conference presentation actually took place.

Special Sessions

Proposals for topic-specific special sessions are very welcome. Organizers should contact the Conference Chair (see below) by 7 July 2024 with the session title and the planned presentations.