Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale
International Union of Radio Science
Kleinheubacher Tagung 2024
U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in Deutschland e.V.
Miltenberg | 24.–26.09.2024

Young Scientist Awards / Young Scientist Best Paper Awards

As part of our continuing commitment to encouraging the next generation of early-stage researchers, we will offer up to 10 Young Scientist Awards including three Young Scientist Best Paper Awards during the course of the conference.

The selection of Young Scientist Award (YSA) recipients will be based upon an examination of the documents submitted. Besides originality and creativity, form and clarity of the presented work will be assessed. The YSA includes a certificate, a waiver of conference fees, and a

Prize money of €250.

All YSA recipients are required to give a talk within the scope of the regular conference program. Additionally, they have the possibility to present their contribution at a special YSA Poster Session. During this posters session, the contributions will be evaluated by an Award Committee. The top three contributions will be awarded a Young Scientist Best Paper Award (YS-BPA). In addition to a certificate and the stated prize money, the recipients will receive:

€750 (1st Prize),
€500 (2nd Prize) and
€250 (3rd Prize).

All YSA und YS-BPA recipients will be honored during the Kleinheubacher Tagung 2024.

Terms of Eligibility

Scientists born 1989 or later holding a Diploma or Master degree at the minimum are invited to apply. The following documents, written either in German or English, are to be submitted via https://kh2024.edas.info/ under the category "Young Scientist Award" no later than 7 July 2024:

  1. a) Extended Abstract (3 pages plus bibliography; using IEEE Manuscript Template for Conference Proceedings, download-site: https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html
  2. b) Supplementary documentation (one pdf file), consisting of
    • a curriculum vitae and
    • a letter of endorsement (1 page maximum) from a faculty member or a member of the U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in Deutschland e.V.

All applicants will be notified by 20 August 2024.